We need help! The project is run by volunteers and the challenge is massive! The numbers below show the task in hand.
The numbers change often, as research is processed or we learn of new memorials, but in approximate terms the following give anticipated totals and progress made.
Total number of recorded locations | 388 |
Number of locations with names added | 228 |
Number of memorials confirmed | 837 |
Number photographed | 527 |
Total number of names to research | 32621 |
Number of unique names (estimated) | 19769 |
Number named who are on the website | 12661 |
Number named who are not on a location's memorial(s) | 4130 |
Number of biographies added in some form | 8851 |
Number names added with no biography (or not positively identified) | 3810 |
Total Number of names duplicated (found so far) | 2026 |
Number of names duplicated twice (found so far) | 476 |
Number of names duplicated three times (found so far) | 94 |
Number of names duplicated four times (found so far) | 13 |
All numbers are the latest estimate & may contain duplicates.