Orchard Tea Garden - Memorial Event

04 July 2024 19:30

At 8.43 pm (at the going down of the sun), the Orchard lights the candles throughout its garden.

These are blown out at 11 pm, which is midnight in Europe when WW1 hostilities formally began. It symbolises what Sir Edward Grey, British Foreign Secretary, said at the time: “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.”

As the sun fades and the candles brighten, it creates a lovely atmosphere for idling the time, with chatter and gossip. Given the summer we are having its worth bringing a jumper, and if it rains, the event just moves inside.

The Orchard Tea Garden serves cheese and charcuterie platers for those that order them in advance. Of course, its famous cream teas are on sale.

For those who want to order in advance, they should mail the Tea Garden at enquiries@theorchardteagarden.co.uk.

This is a link to the Orchard Tea Garden website. www.theorchardteagarden.co.uk, which gives its address and phone number.