Andy Stuart - "Churchill's Intervention - North Russia 1918-1920"

15 May 2025 19:30

Andy Stuart - "Churchill's Intervention - North Russia 1918-1920"

The Talk:

  • The Russian Revolution and consequences for the Western Front.
  • The Intervention in the North of Russia. Why there, and who was involved?
  • Churchill's North Russian Relief Force in 1919. Why did WW1 veterans volunteer?
  • Dyer's Battalion, 'Intelligent disobedience' and other mutinies.
  • The 'Whites' collapse and Allied withdrawal.

About the Speaker: Andy studied Economics at Warwick University before going through Sandhurst to join the Royal Artillery. On leaving the army he spent 25 years in financial markets.

Memories from his Grandad's WW1 and Russian experiences inspired 3 books written during lockdowns and published in 2024.

Tickets: Entry is free but we rely totally on donations to cover our costs! - Hall, speaker, drink etc. We suggest £5 per person - or whatever you can afford. You do not need to book to attend, but it would help us if you did (i.e. hall preparation and refreshments etc.). 

Book your FREE tickets here - Coming soon!

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