Robert James Noel Stuart


Robert James Noel Stuart
23 Oct 1886


First World War

Date of Death / Age


Rank, Service Number & Service Details

Second Lieutenant
Royal Scots Fusiliers
3rd Bn. attd. 2nd Bn.

Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards

1914 /15 Star, British War and Victory medals

Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country


Headstone Inscription

No Report

UK & Other Memorials

Wheathampstead Village Memorial, Plaque, Digby Stuart College, Roehampton, Greater London

Pre War

Robert James Noel was born on 23 Oct 1886 (baptised 3 Dec 1886) in Marylebone, London to Horace Noel Stuart, an Admiralty Clerk, and Madeline Frances (nee Hemming) and were living at 18, Bryanston Street, Marylebone.  Robert’s Father, Horace, died in 1900.

On the 1901 Census Robert was attending Marlborough College (1900 – 1903) and was a Tutor there from 1903 – 1906. In 1906. His mother remarried in spring 1901 to Arthur Prince. Robert went to Straits Settlement (Malaya) as apprentice in Road and Bridge Construction but returned in1908 due to sickness. He then apprenticed himself to a Mechanical Engineering firm, Lacy Herbert in London. On the 1911 Census he is recorded as a visitor in Wheathampstead at Down Green, the home of James Wriothesley Noel. The family relationship is through Robert’s Paternal Grandmother, Mary Penelope Noel. 

Wartime Service

Robert obtained a commission as Second Lieutenant in the Royal Scots Fusiliers and went to France on 8 Mar 1915 being attached to 2 Battalion. No service record was found for Robert.

He may have been with the 2nd Battalion at Aubers (9-10 May 1915) and was at Festubert (15-25 May 1915). 2nd Roy Scots Fusiliers were in action on 17 May 1915 advancing on the Quadrilateral which the Germans troops had attempted to evacuate and during this fighting Robert was killed.

Additional Information

Effects of £45 6s 1d and Probate of £9169 9s 4d was paid to his executors.


Neil Cooper
Jonty Wild