Fred Shelford
First World War
Date of Death / Age
Rank, Service Number & Service Details
Lance Corporal
Bedfordshire Regiment
“C” Company. 7th Bn.
Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards
British War and Victory medals
Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country
Pier/Face 2C.
UK & Other Memorials
Stevenage Old Town Memorial
St Nicholas' Church Memorial, Stevenage Old Town
Holy Trinity Church Memorial Roll of Honour, Stevenage Old Town
Pre War
Fred was the son of Joseph & Mary Shelford of 35 Albert Street, Stevenage.
Wartime Service
He was killed during the assault on Thiepval village on the 27th September 1916. It was a very dark morning and the two Companies, “C” & “D”, who were detailed to make the assault, set off at 5.30am to attack the German positions. The assault was to be carried out in two Lines and “C” Company, commanded by Captain Leslie Howard Keep, were detailed to take up a position on the Right, with “D” Company on the Left. “A” & “B” Companies were sheltered close at hand in German Dug-outs. They were subjected to extremely heavy rifle and machine gun fire from the defenders of one the strongest positions in this sector of the Western Front. The Battalion suffered some 112 casualties during the attack, including Fred Shelford. This action, though apparently small, was of the utmost importance. Without the whole of the Village of Thiepval, and the trenches surrounding, it being captured the whole Line of Attack was held up. So, to the 7th Bedfords (especially “C” & “D” Companies) belongs the honour & Glory of the final destruction of one of the Germans strongest position, and one which they had boasted could never be taken. Fred Shelford has no known grave and his name is recorded on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France.
Additional Information
Paul Johnson