Ernest Albert Draper
First World War
Date of Death / Age
Rank, Service Number & Service Details
Essex Regiment
1st Bn.
Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards
British War and Victory medals
Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country
Headstone Inscription
Not Researched
UK & Other Memorials
Aston War Memorial,
St. Mary’s Church Roll of Honour, Aston,
Broxbourne Town Memorial,
St Augustine’s Church Memorial, Broxbourne,
Broxbourne C Of E Primary School Memorial
Pre War
Ernest was the husband of Louisa Draper (nee Leggett) whom he married in 1910. The couple lived with Louisa’s parents at Admirals Walk, Hoddesdon, and Ernest worked as a Coachman in the local livery stables.
Wartime Service
At the outbreak of the Great War he enlisted at Broxbourne and his trade led him into service with the Army Service Corps. He was later transferred into the Essex Regiment and served on the Western Front. At the outbreak of the Great War he enlisted at Broxbourne and his trade led him into service with the Army Service Corps. He was later transferred into the Essex Regiment and served on the Western Front.
On the 23rd August 1918 the Battalion were positioned in Halifax Trench near the village of Foncquevillers, in the Somme sector. At 3.50am they moved to the forward positions near Achiet Le Petit, in readiness for an assault on German trenches near the village. As the attack got under way they were met with very heavy enemy artillery, machine gun and rifle fire. This soon held up the assault and support was requested from British Tanks. Only one Tank was available and this was used to quell some of the enemy fire, which it managed to successfully achieve. However, the Battalion had suffered considerable casualties with 4 Officers and 86 Other Ranks either Killed or Missing. Edward is buried in the Foncquevillers Military Cemetery, France.
Additional Information
Paul Johnson