Herbert Sidney Monk (MM)
First World War
Date of Death / Age
Rank, Service Number & Service Details
London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers)
2nd/4th (City of London) Bn.
Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards
British War and Victory medals
Military Medal
Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country
Bay 9.
Headstone Inscription
UK & Other Memorials
Sawbridgeworth Town Memorial,
Great St Mary’s Church Memorial, Sawbridgeworth
Pre War
Born in Epping in 1887, Herbert Monk was baptised in October that year at Sheering. The family was recorded as living in Springhall (Vantorts) Road in Sawbridgeworth at some point.
Herbert Monk was a professional soldier, and lived in Sawbridgeworth before enlisting prior to 1911, at Shaftesbury Street, London N1.
Wartime Service
Herbert original service number was 5038, but was renumbered, probably in 1917 with the restructuring of the Army.
Herbert’s early war service is unknown, but in 1917, Herbert was with the 2/4th Battalion Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), and he was involved in an action of 12-15 May 1917 for which, on 27 May 1917, he was recommended for the Military Medal.
Rather sadly, on 16 June 1917, Herbert Monk was killed in action. His unit was not in a major action that day but was merely involved in local attacks for tactical advantage. He did not know that his award of the Military Medal for his courage would not be gazetted until after his death on 18 July 1917.
Herbert Monk has no known grave, but is named on the Arras Memorial, France. He was aged 29.
In April 1995, Herbert’s medals came up for auction. They were sold for £150.
Additional Information
His mother, Mrs Emily Monk of Glen Rosa, Park Road, Ashford, Kent claimed a pension of 12 shillings a week for life which was awarded on 12th March 1918. Previously she has been recorded at 50 Station Road, Sawbridgeworth and at 7 Wimborne Road, Bruce Grove, London.
Jonty Wild, Douglas Coe