Charles Gambell Knight


Charles Gambell Knight


First World War

Date of Death / Age


Rank, Service Number & Service Details

Rifle Brigade
2nd Bn.

Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards

1914 /15 Star, British War and Victory medals

Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country

Pier and Face 16 B and 16 C.

Headstone Inscription

No Report

UK & Other Memorials

Christchurch Memorial, Little Heath, Potters Bar, Little Heath & Bentley Heath Memorial, Potters Bar, All Souls Chapel Book of Remembrance, Potters Bar

Pre War

Charles Gambell Knight was born in Battersea, Surrey in 1886 to Charles Knight, electric machine attedant, and Mary Martha (nee Gambell).

On the 1891 Census the family of Parents, May (born 1885), Helen (born 1886), Charles, Martha Amelia & Frances M (both born 1889) and Kat e (born 1890) were living at 139 West Street, East Grinstead, Sussex.

On the 1901 Census the family of parents, Charles (a shop boy), Martha and Frances were living at 38 Stanmer Street, Battersea.
Charles married Annie Harris at Christ Church, Little Heath on 25 Dec 1909.

On the 1911 Census Charles was an electrician and they were living at 1 Osborne Cottages, Little Heath. They had a daughter, Thirza May Helen Knight, was born 27 April 1912.

Wartime Service

Charles attested on 31 Aug 1914 at Westminster in the Rifle Brigade and was posted to 9th (Service) Battalion. as Rifleman B/1714.(*1)

He was trained at Aldershot then posted to 2nd Battalion, landing in France, 16 Jun 1915. His Battalion had been I France since Nov 1914 as part of 25 Brigade 8 Division. Charles was attached to 1/1 Home Counties Field Company Royal Engineers on 15 Jan 1916, rejoining 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade on 11 Mar 1916.

He was reported Missing, presumed killed in action 1 Jul 1916, being killed during the first day of the Battle of the Somme where his Battalion were in reserve in the assault on German trenches near Ovillers-la-Boisselle. His remains were not recovered and he is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme.

Additional Information

*1 Charles' prefix varies between records as B/ or Z//.

War gratuity of £8 10s and arrears of 8s was paid to his widow. She also received a pension of 15s/week for herself and child.


Neil Cooper
Martin Cope