Alexander Wighton Ingles
20 May 1869
First World War
Date of Death / Age
Rank, Service Number & Service Details
West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own)
1st Bn.
Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards
Not Yet Researched
Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country
Headstone Inscription
UK & Other Memorials
Haileybury College Cloister Wall Memorial, Hertford Heath,
Not on the Apsley End memorials
Pre War
Born on 20 May 1869 in Apsley End, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire son of the Rev Canon David and Anna (Scrivener) Ingles of Witham, Essex.
Educated at Haileybury College 1883–86. Gazetted 2nd Lieutenant West Yorks. from the militia on 12 Mar 1892, and promoted Lieut. on 1st of Feb 1894. Capt. 26th of Mar 1900. Served as a Captain in the South African Campaign 1899-1901. He married Eugenie Ellen Owen of Heatherhurst, Camberley, Surrey.
Wartime Service
Promoted to Major on 7 Mar 1914. Landed with the British Expeditionary Force in France in Aug 1914 and was killed in action in the Battle of the Aisne.
The second in Command of the 1st West Yorkshires wrote: "You will be proud to know that he died a glorious death at the head of his Coy. The companies on the firing line were tricked by the Germans, who advanced under cover of the white flag, and then opened fire and enfiladed our men in the trenches. Your husband then shouted out 'All who will not surrender follow me', and retired fighting to the trenches on the left and was soon shot down and killed by a rifle bullet. He was buried where he fell with others of the Coy. I know no more details as no officers have returned in A, B, or D Coy."
Derry Warners
Malcolm Lennox, Karen Smith - Acting Director of External Relations