Athole Edwin Gudgeon
First World War
Date of Death / Age
Rank, Service Number & Service Details
Royal Naval Reserve
H.M.S. "Ettrick."
Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards
Not Yet Researched
Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country
United Kingdom
Headstone Inscription
Not Researched
UK & Other Memorials
St Edmunds College Memorial, Old Hall Green
The following text was transcribed from The Edmundian (1814-1819) – The contemporary magazine of St Edmund’s College:
The well known Winchester family of the Gudgeons have given generously to the cause. Of five sons who have served, one is decorated, another is invalided, and one, Athole, is killed; a noble instance of unstinted sacrifice.
Athole was here at the College for four years, from 1894 to 1898. He received his sea training on the "Worcester," served his apprenticeship in the " Glen " and "Royal Mail," S.S. Companies. For some eighteen months, early in the war, he was Lieutenant on board H.M. Destroyer "Quail," and then
took command of H.M.S. "Etterick." He was on board this vessel escorting merchant¬men, when it was torpedoed, and he was mortally wounded. He died in Haslar Hospital on the 17th of August of this year.
The Requiem was celebrated by Father Basil Gudgeon (now a Chaplain to the Forces in Palestine,) and was carried out with all that impressive dignity which is suited to so noble albeit so sad a rite. The actual burial was performed by the Very Rev. Provost Gunning, who concluded the ceremonies by drawing the moral, for relatives, friends and comrades, from the life of this gallant young officer who had faced his tasks as national obligation and Christian duty.
Edmundian friends, and they are very many, of Athole and his brothers offer profound sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. George Gudgeon his parents, and to all his brothers.
Jonty Wild, Di Vanderson, The Edmundian (1814-1819) – The contemporary magazine of St Edmund’s College