Oswald Gentle (MM)
First World War
Date of Death / Age
Rank, Service Number & Service Details
Bedfordshire Regiment
1st Bn.
'A' Company
Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards
Not Yet Researched
Military Medal
Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country
Panel 48 to 50 and 162A.
Headstone Inscription
Not Researched
UK & Other Memorials
Baldock Town Memorial, St Mary the Virgin Church Memorial, Baldock
Pre War
Born and resident of Baldock. Enlisted Hertford
Wartime Service
Oswald was in the Regulars at the outbreak of war and was wounded in the ankle twelve months before his death. He returned to France in November 1916. He gained the Military Medal in 1916.
After his death Sergeant S. Bird wrote to his parents:
"He was one of my best chums, and I am very sorry indeed for you in your great loss. I left him with some stretcher-bearers to be buried. He was liked by all who knew him, and the whole of the regiment are very sorry for you."
The newspaper reporting his death gives his parent's address as Bygrave Lane, Baldock. Later they were recorded as living at 64 Icknield Way, Baldock.
Additional Information
Son of George and Elizabeth Gentle, of 64, Icknield Way, Baldock, Herts. - this was the address given after Oswald's death. Oswald was the second son his parents lost in the war.
Derry Warners
Adrian Pitts, Paul Johnson