Frederick Townsend


Frederick Townsend
19 Apr 1885


First World War

Date of Death / Age


Rank, Service Number & Service Details

Petty Officer
London Z/1295
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Howe Bn. R.N. Div.

Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards

1914 /15 Star, British War and Victory medals

Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country

Pier and Face 1 A.

Headstone Inscription


UK & Other Memorials

Not on the Clothall memorials

Pre War

Frederick Charles was born on 19 Apr 1885 in Hove, Sussex to Thomas Townsend, a labourer, and Sarah Elizabeth (nee Larcombe). On the 1891 Census the family of Parents, Frederick together with brothers James, Thomas (Tom), Leonard and sisters Ellen, Lucy, and Ada were living at 56 Ellen Street, Hove. On the 1901 Census his parents were living at 22 Coleridge Street, Hove with sisters Ada and Florence (born 1892). No records could be found Frederick through 1890's and 1900's., His brothers Leonard, Tom, John George all served in the Royal  Navy in this period and would seem likely that Frederick would have joined the Service.

Frederick married Fanny Durman on 16 Apr 1913 there would be 2 children Frederick Charles and Frances Georgina. He probably met Fanny when she was working with Ada Townsend when they were both in service at a house in Queen’s Gate, London. Frederick’s Naval Great War records state Fanny was living at 35 Jessel House City of Westminster Buildings Regency St, London SW. His widow Fanny came to live with her brother Robert at the Barley Mow on Hickman’s Hill, Clothall ( Frederick's connection to Clothall). Fanny married again in 1919 to Frederick  Moles of Clothall..

Wartime Service

Frederick enlisted on 18 Jan 1915 as S/1295 in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. The Royal Navy at this stage of the War had far in excess of reserves (20,000 plus) than could be used to man ships and had instead formed 2 Naval and 1 Royal Marine Brigades of men to serve as infantry in a Naval Division, thus Frederick was posted to 3rd (Benbow) Battalion 1st Brigade, on 5 Mar 1915.

The Division landed at Helles, Gallipoli on 25 Apr 1915. Frederick was rated leading Seaman on 28 Apr 1915 and posted to 6th (Howe) Battalion, 2nd Brigade, Ordnance Company on 12 June 1915. After the Evacuation from Gallipoli the Division remained in the Aegean on the Islands of Lemnos, Imbros and Tenedos. Frederick was rated as Petty Officer on 28 April 1916.

The Division moved to France, arriving Marseilles 12-23 May 1916. The Naval Division having been transferred from the authority of the Admiralty to the War Office (Army) on 29 April 1916 became the 63rd (Royal Naval) Division on 19 July 1916 and were deployed to the Somme.

Following a period of sickness. Frederick returned on 30 Oct 1916 to his Battalion prior to the Battle of the Ancre. The Howe Battalion War Diary for 12 Nov 1916 records:- "Enemy did some shelling & some firework display in the afternoon & we had 10 casualties. 4 killed including Petty Officer Townsend."

His remains were not recovered and he is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme.

Additional Information

John George joined Royal Navy in 1890 and was serving as Petty Officer 156071 on HMS Viknor when sunk off Northern Ireland 15 Jan 1915. Thomas joined Royal Navy 1896 killed in action China 22 Jun 1900 as part of Admiral Seymour’s Force during Boxer Uprising. Leonard had served in Royal Navy from 1898 to 1908 (Yeoman of Signals), enlisted on 5 Aug 1914 in Yorkshire Regiment (Green Howards) promoted Sergeant and was killed in action 7 Aug 1915 Gallipoli.
James Rowe Townsend served in Royal Artillery from 19 Jun 1904.


Neil Cooper
Jonty Wild, Jean Handley,